Low-Impact Injuries – What to Do

Personal Injury

Many auto accidents are considered “low-impact” and what this means is that there is only minor damage to the car and the accident occurred when the speed was less than ten miles per hour. Most of these happen when you are hit in the rear end and you and any passengers suffered back and/or neck injuries. The contributing factor is that the accident was unexpected and the occupants do not have time to brace themselves. They cannot force their neck and back against the headrest or seat. Although there is very little damage to the bumper of the car, the bodies inside is snapped around, and their body sustains low-impact injuries. They are also called Soft tissue injuries and can include chest and rib injuries, bruises, and back and neck injuries. These injuries can include joints and bones tearing and stretching, often involving tears in the ligaments, tendons, and muscles and nerve damage.

If you have been involved as a driver or passenger in a low impact accident and think you may have a low-impact injury case you need to talk to an attorney that specializes in this field. These types of injuries can be difficult to prove so insurance adjusters may attempt to deny these claims for medical expenses. Many times they do not manifest in a visible manner, do not appear on x-rays, or other diagnostic tests. If you have been hurt in a low-impact accident, seek medical treatment from your physician or at a local urgent care. You do not need to go to the emergency room unless it is to treat a broken bone or some serious injury..

Make sure that when you see your physician that you tell them that what you are suffering from is from an auto accident. Let your physician know the date of the accident. Do not seek help from a chiropractor or physical therapist unless you referred by your physician. Unless you have a diagnostic test like an x-ray that shows you have a tangible injury such as a torn tendon or ligament the insurance adjuster’s opinion is that medical treatment should not last longer than four to six weeks. If medical treatment continues past this, the insurance company will contest it. It is important that you see your physician as soon after the accident as possible. If you wait too long, such as four weeks after the accident, those medical bills may not be reimbursed voluntarily so you will have to hire a low injury impact attorney to handle your case. It could take up to twelve months or more to setting the case and it may not even include paying for those medical bills that occurred when you did not see your physician soon after the accident.