Low-Impact Injuries – What to Do

Many auto accidents are considered “low-impact” and what this means is that there is only minor damage to the car and the accident occurred when the speed was less than ten miles per hour. Most of these happen when you are hit in the rear end and you and any passengers suffered back and/or neck […]

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The Numbers on DACA Through the First Quarter of 2014

Since late fall 2013 through the summer of 2014, 52,000 unaccompanied minors, mainly children from Central America, have flocked to our southern border with Mexico hoping to be allowed to remain in the United States. During this same period approximately 39,000 mothers accompanied by their young children have also flocked to our border setting up […]

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Copyright Registration: Why Wait?

Copyright registration is automatic; your work, whether it is a novel, a photograph, an architectural drawing, or any other eligible type of intellectual property, is automatically protected by a copyright. And official US Copyright Office registration costs $35. So why would anyone ever want to pay for an official copyright registration? Let’s take a closer […]

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Do You Need The Advice Of a Car Accident Lawyer?

Car accidents are on the rise all across the country everyday. Heavy traffic, winter weather and distracted driving can all lead to being involved in an accident. While many accidents are minor, some are serious and require extensive medical treatment. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, contact car […]

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